spiritual mirror
Břetislav Malý in dialogue with historical sacral sculpture
Artist: Břetislav Malý
09. 06. - 26. 08. 2022
In 2021 Gallery Závodný set up a newly formed project that allows selected artists to create an unique set of artworks made specially for the gallery space. Each year Gallery Závodný introduces one of these inspirative artists who is invited to prepare a specific installation for the minimalists exhibition space.
The pioneer artist of this project is Břetislav Malý. His installation of large graphite paintings is built on inner dialogue with figurative sacral scupltures. All the statues used to be a part of interiors of small village churches and altars. Unknown carvers created them according to the established and conventional iconographic rules, making them easily recognizable for the common people who could indentify the saints and relate to them.
The works of Břetislav Malý resemble mirrors or sheets of polishing steel. The viewers don‘t know exactly, what kind of material was used by creator but shiny surfaces of reliefs attract human attention and fascinate visitors. In a case of good light, sacral figures can reflect in monochrome surfaces. Figurative motifs represent physical and mental human world, which is the only subject predestined for art creation. Clear monochromatic surfaces of the artworks refer rather to spiritual plane, which can be perceived as an extension of human being. Both worlds / physical and spiritual / are encountering in the exhibition space, form a solid platform for the course of everyday human life…. Immediacy and almost haptic urgency of objects are contrasting with minimalist approach of Břetislav Malý.
On closer examination is possible to find out, that reliefs are not mirrors or reflecting surfaces, but real paintings on densely woven canvases. The main ingredient of paintings is graphite pigment. Graphite reflects light. According to the impact of light, we can percieve the reliefs as silver or white, with the absence of light also as black. The seen image changes depending on the light conditions.
Every painting has many layers, author further processes them by polishing and sharpening. In many cases he provides them with welded metal frames.
Two worlds – one realistic, subordinate to anatomy and possibilities of human body, the second unseen, intertwined with sensitivity and intuition, are connecting into a strong experience. In timeline they are approaching duality of baroque thinking and representation. Night x day, goodness x evil, earthly life x life for eternity, human virtues x sins, paradise x purgatory… Without will to think about these categories, a dialogue of current and historical art is bringing us to them.
Connection of old and well accustomed art with current and gradually accepted art brings unique moments and experiences to the spectators.
What do they prefer in the course of visual perception? Will the perceived aspects of physical being connect with the emotional or mental levels? We are curious how visitors will react to the installation, but we dare to say that it will awaken emotions and experiences, revive the imagination of visitors, just as music can do...
The exhibition was created in cooperation with Archdiocese of Olomouc, from whose depository came all the sacral sculptures, and is also linked to the concert cycle of the international music festival Concentus Moraviae. This year, the festival has chosen as its main idea the motto "Journey from the roots to the future", which coincides with the exhibition project at the Závodný Gallery, and Břetislav Malý has therefore become the artistic partner of the concert cycle. We would like to thank both institutions for the cooperation.